A blog about inner processes and their transformation into the external world


Trauma is the invisible force that shapes our lives. It shapes the way we live, the way we love and the way we make sense of the world. It is the root of our deepest wounds

– The Wisdom of Trauma

Trauma is an invisible force that influences our lives, our society, and our planet as a whole. It permeates the intricate fabric of our existence and leaves lasting imprints on our thoughts, emotions, and perceptions.

It affects our view of ourselves, our relationships, and our ability to comprehend the world around us. Trauma can shatter our trust in others and impair our capacity for closeness and intimacy, distorting our beliefs and leaving us with a sense of alienation. The effects of trauma can manifest in various ways, such as depression, anxiety, psychosis, mania, post-traumatic stress disorder, narcissistic and borderline personality disorders, complex post-traumatic stress disorders and many other mental and somatic illnesses.

However, it would be erroneous to believe that trauma exclusively affects those who have received a psychiatric diagnosis. In fact, we are all touched by the shadows of trauma in our own way. Yet, only a few of us are aware of its true extent, and the thought of seeking help rarely comes to mind.

This is partly because we live in a culture that places an imbalanced amount of emphasis on external goals and achievements – on professional success, financial success, and productivity, where vulnerability is seen as a weakness. In the pursuit of worldly aspirations, we have inadvertently overlooked the intricate tapestry of our own consciousness and disregarded the profound impact that trauma can have on our being.

Another reason lies in the subtle defense mechanisms that our psyche has developed – throughout our lives, we forge an armor that delicately veils and detaches traumatic memories, thoughts, and feelings from the surface of our psyche. This armor shields us from the rawness of our pain and enables us to navigate the complexities of existence with a certain equanimity.

Yet, in the hidden chambers of our being, the unhealed wounds continue to resonate with silent vibrations. They shape our self-perception, the way we build relationships, and our ability to find solace in a world full of beauty and suffering. While the protective cloak provides temporary relief, it also reinforces the obscuring of our true selves and hinders the transformative power of vulnerability, the complete unfolding of our authentic individual humanity in all its messy beauty.

In the delicate dance between self-protection and self-liberation lies an invitation to unveil the layers of our armor, to confront the depths of our pain, and to embark on the path of healing and self-discovery. It requires courage to explore the hidden corners of our being, to encounter the spirits dwelling in the shadows, and to embrace the transformative potential that slumbers within us. By accepting our traumas, acknowledging their profound impact, and seeking the support and guidance we need, we open the way to reclaim our authentic selves and unfold the boundless possibilities for growth, connection, and profound inner freedom.

Trauma, in all its invisibility, serves as a catalyst for a deep metamorphosis, reminding us that in the depths of pain lie the seeds of our greatest potential.

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